Bandcamp page (music and spoken word)
poems included in Transversal: “No Longer Ode” (English ode/décima and audio, Academy of American Poets, 2018); “Soverano” (self-translation, A Perfect Vacuum, 2019); meme poems (Puerto del Sol, 2018); sonnets and translingual poem (Hyperallergic, 2015); “Coral” (text and audio, Big Other, 2020); “Fractal” (bilingual disyllabic terza rima) and “I Can’t Breathe/No Puedo Respirar”, (anagrams, A Gathering of the Tribes, 2020); “Ave” (Jazz Ready podcast, 2020) “No Longer Ode/Oda Indebida” (from Latino Poetry: A New Anthology, Library of America, 2024)
“sueño convulso (seizure dream)” (Poem-a-Day, Academy of American Poets, 2024)
Wokitokiteki video poem (Candela Review, 2024)
Celebrating New York’s Ancestors of Latino Poetry: A Conversation and Performance panel and poets’ choir performance (Center for Brooklyn History, 2024)
“Alethea Pace’s Counter-archival Choreographies,” review essay of Alethea Pace’s between wave and water (Brooklyn Rail, 2024)
from Neural Sea (Interdependence: Integral to Disability Justice, Thunder & Lightning Poetry Collective, 2024)
“Post María Blues” (Poetry in the Digital Age, Universität Hamburg, curated by Elizabeth Torres, 2024)
Modular Hervor video for litElat, vol. 2: Literatura electrónica latinoamericana y caribeña (Red de Literatura Electrónica Latinoamericana, 2024) [created for and first presented at “Translingual Poetics,” Poesiefestival Berlin, 2019]
de Cuaderno de Isabela (El Post Antillano, 2024)
translation of “Bajo los escombros” by Residente (2024)
bilingual essay on the languages of Latino poetry for Latino Poetry: A New Anthology (Library of America, 2024)
reading and discussion of “Sueño en inglés goleta,” Alfredo Matilla’s translation of Pedro Pietri’s poem “The Broken English Dream” for Latino Poetry: A New Anthology (Library of America, 2024)
reading and discussion of “No Longer Ode/Oda Indebida” for Latino Poetry: A New Anthology (Library of America, 2024)
Estamos hér(e), Translingual Authorship and the Possibilities of Creative (Self-)Translation (reading and conversation with Helen Cova and Larissa Kyzer in English, Spanish, and Icelandic, Sant Jordi USA, 2024)
faculty reading for Zoeglossia retreat ([18:00] 2023)
reading at Librería La Esquina, Río Piedras, PR (2023)
Carbon Neutral gifs (in LAR Latinx Digital Poetics: An Electronic Literature Folio, edited by Brent Ameneyro , 2023)
“‘La Treintena’ 2023: 30 (Something) Books of Latinx Poetry” (IntervenXions, 2023)
translation of a poem from adjacent islands by Nicole Cecilia Delgado (Academy of American Poets)
translation of a poem from adjacent islands by Nicole Cecilia Delgado (Poetry Daily, 2023)
“LaTasha N. Nevada Diggs Interviewed by Urayoán Noel” (Bomb, 2023)
“cinquains written during a tropical storm” (Poem-a-Day, Academy of American Poets, 2023)
“‘Islas adyacentes’: Decolonizando el Mar Caribe desde Puerto Rico” (interview of Nicole Cecilia Delgado for Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary podcast, 2022)
translation of poem by Wingston González (Tupelo Quarterly, 2022)
translation of two poems (with audio) by Wingston González (Poetry, 2022)
conversation with Mariposa Fernández (Center for Puerto Rican Studies, 2022)
translation into Spanish of a poem by Edwin Torres (Temporales, 2022, originally appeared in The Geometry of Hope, Grey Art Gallery/KJCC, 2007)
conversation [45:00]/performance, On Nationalism (The Racial Imaginary Institute, Judson Church, 2022)
“La Treintena 2022: 30+ Books of Latinx Poetry” (Intervenxions, 2022)
translation into Spanish of two poems by Calvert Casey (Rialta Magazine, 2022)
translation of a poem by Nicole Cecilia Delgado (Poetry Daily, 2022)
translation of a poem by Nicole Cecilia Delgado (Guernica, 2022)
“Poetry’s Transformations: Miguel Algarín Vive!” (essay, Konch Magazine, 2022)
conversation with Willie Perdomo (Center for Puerto Rican Studies, 2022)
editor and contributor, “Decolonizing Disability Poetics” (Zoeglossia, 2022)
“Improvision” (improvised video poem, Narrative Northeast, 2022)
reading for Poetry Project New Year’s Day Marathon (2022)
reading & performance for Seattle University (2021)
conversation with Nicole Cecilia Delgado (NYU MFA in Spanish, 2021)
translation of “Traducción” by Nicole Cecilia Delgado (Guernica, 2021)
conversation with Silvio Torres-Saillant, Latinx at 50, The Latinx Project (2021)
review of Selected Poems of Emanuel Xavier (Lambda Literary, 2021)
Radical Poetry Reading, The Brooklyn Rail (curator, 2021)
“La Treintena 2021: 30 Books & Chapbooks of Latinx Poetry” (Intervenxions, 2021)
The New Social Environment, The Brooklyn Rail (performance, 2021) & 2
Transversal book launch (University of Arizona Press, 2021)
I Can’t Breathe / No Puedo Respirar gifs from New York Responds (Museum of the City of New York, 2020)
pan de mic / pan de mi a (from performance [1:40:00] for Avivar el Pulso, Grid Galería, Panama, 2020)
conversation with Reina María Rodríguez & Kristin Dykstra (Brooklyn Public Library, 2020)
two poems (World Literature Today, 2020)
podcast for University of Arizona Poetry Center (2020)
“How the Stoop and the Sidewalk Helped New Yorkers Stay Sane” (diasporous prose, New York Times, 2020)
Café La MaMa Live (performance [50:00], 2020)
@Salon: Queer Sound (2020)
reading from Bernadette Mayer’s Memory (Poets House, 2020)
“La Treintena: 30 Books of Latinx Poetry” (Intervenxions, 2020)
translation of a poem by Nicole Cecilia Delgado & translator interview (Action Books, 2020)
“Le Spleen de la Floride” (diasporous prose, Burrow Press, 2020)
performance at Woodberry Poetry Room, with Joyelle McSweeney & Ronaldo V. Wilson (2019)
poem & sample from Bagku (sx salon. 2019)
translation of a poem by Amanda Berenguer (Poetry Daily, 2019)
translations of poems by Wingston González (Verse Press, 2018)
“Refuse Politics with Ivelisse Jiménez!” (essay, 80grados, 2018)
“In Search of a Nuyorican Sixties: Reading the Pedro Pietri and Jack Agüeros Archives” (essay, Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures, 2018)
performance at Rosario International Poetry Festival (Argentina, 2017)
The Avant Ricuas (performance with Victor Hernández Cruz & Edwin Torres, Loisaida Center, 2017)
“Remediating the Latin@ Sixties” (essay, American Literary History, 2017)
Helena María Viramontes Annual Lecture in Latina/o Literature, CSU Long Beach (2017)
“How Puerto Ricans Have Reinvented West Side Story“ (essay, Google Arts & Culture, 2017)
“translatitudes” (poetry/essay/video, Drunken Boat, 2017)
poem and photos from #wordswelivein (2016)
“Party Like It’s 1898!” (essay, The Poetry Foundation, 2016)
“Diasporican Poets Mixtape” (essay, The Poetry Foundation, 2016) & 2
audio of Kuwentuhan reading, curated by Barbara Jane Reyes, at the Bayanahan Community Center (San Francisco State University Poetry Center, 2016)
Translation Slam, PEN World Voices Festival (Nuyorican Poets Cafe, 2015)
poems from Buzzing Hemisphere / Rumor Hemisférico (2015) & 2
review of Latining America by Claudia Milian (American Literary History Online Review, 2015)
“On Out of Focus Nuyoricans, Noricuas, and Performance Identities” (essay, Liminalities, 2014)
Los días porosos, re-edición del 2014 (Atarraya Cartonera, Puerto Rico, 2014)
“The Making of a Nuyorican Poet,” conversation with Jesús Papoleto Meléndez (Center for Puerto Rican Studies, 2013)
performance with Los Guapos Planetas at Gramsci Monument (Bronx 2013)
poem from Buzzing Hemisphere/Rumor Hemisférico (Corresponding Voices, 2012)
reseña de Revienta de José Miguel Curet (El Roommate, 2012)
transcripciones de Los días porosos (2012) & videos originales
two early versions of poems from Buzzing Hemisphere/Rumor Hemisférico (Elective Affinities, 2012)
poema de Los días porosos (2012) & 2
keynote performance with full band at Caribbean Philosophical Association (Rutgers University, New Brunswick, 2011)
“Piri Thomas, poeta” (ensayo, 80grados, 2011)
“san juan a distancia” (poema, La Habana Elegante, 2011)
poems from Hi-Density Politics (2010)
panel on Adál’s Blueprints for a Nation (Center for Puerto Rican Studies, 2009)
review of Collapsible Poetics Theater by Rodrigo Toscano (e-misférica, 2009)
review of The PoPedology of an Ambient Language by Edwin Torres (Bomb, 2008)
review of Teeth by Aracelis Girmay (The Poetry Project Newsletter, 2008, pp. 19-20)
tracks from Boringkén CD (2008)
poemas de Boringkén (2008; pp. 173-86)
“Do You Speak Ubu Rican? On the Punk Muse of Rev. Pedro Pietri” (essay, A Gathering of the Tribes, 2004)
poemas de Las flores del mall (2000) & 2
About Urayoán Noel
interview for Imaginative Possibilities: Conversations with Twenty-First-Century Latinx Authors. Eds. Maceo Montoya and Javier O. Huerta. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2024.
Dorsía Smith Silva, “8 Urgent Poetry Collections About Puerto Rican Resistance” (Electric Literature, 2024)
Emily Sakawed, “Norwood Pride Festival Makes its Debut in Williamsbridge Oval” (Norwood News, 2024)
Michael Dowdy, “Making Scenes: Three Writers on Puerto Rican Syndrome (on Justin Torres’s Blackouts; Urayoán Noel’s Transversal; and Éric Morales-Franceschini’s Syndrome)” (The Georgia Review, 2024)
Lily Robert-Foley, Experimental Translation: The Work of Translation in the Age of Algorithmic Production (Goldsmiths/MIT, 2024)
Célestine Barraquand, “Urayoán Noel and the Geopoetics of Self-translation Situating the Poet” (The Cambridge Language Collective, 2023)
“Translating the Caribbean” (conversation with Kaiama Glover and Aaron Coleman, Asymptote, 2023)
reviews of Adjacent Islands/Islas adyacentes in Words Without Borders, Annulet, Colorado Review, Morning Star, and Letras Latinas
“Our Favorite Books of Poetry in Translation 2022” (Action Books)
“Mellon and Flamboyan Foundations Announce 2022 Letras Boricuas Fellows” (Mellon Foundation, 2022)
Tobias Carroll, “The Watchlist: December 2022” (Words Without Borders, 2022)
Alexandra Pagán Vélez, “Urayoán Noel: el discurso de la identidad en Boringkén“ (HispanismeS, 2022)
Kristin Dykstra, “Cinquains for Survival: On Urayoán Noel’s Transversal” (Chicago Review, 2022)
Rachel Galvin, “Transcreation and Self-Translation in Contemporary Latinx Poetry” (Critical Inquiry, 2022)
Michael Dowdy. “‘It’s Been a While’: Latinx Poetries and the Empire of Borders.” A Companion to American Poetry. Eds. Mary McAleer Balkun, Jeffrey Gray, and Paul Jaussen. Chichester: Wiley, 2022.
Adalber Salas Hernández, “Traducciones insurrectas. Sobre las poéticas de Raquel Salas Rivera y Urayoán Noel,” (Cuadernos hispanoamericanos, 2022)
“10 Insightful and Poetic Quotes from Hispanic Authors” (, 2022)
Deborah Paredez, “Here Are the Latinx Poets to Read Now” (Columbia News 2022)
Wilkins Román Samot, “Urayoán Noel y el performance como expresión poética” (Letralia, 2022)
“Celebrate National Poetry Month with Our Favorite Poetry Books of 2021” (New York Public Library, 2022)
Noa Mendoza, “Violence, Beauty, Structure, Freedom: An Interview with Translator Urayoán Noel” (Asymptote, 2022)
Interview (in Spanish) with Wilkins Román Samot (Letralia, 2022)
Hopscotch Translation 2021 Editors’ Roundup
conversation with Roque Raquel Salas Rivera and Elias Baez (GAYLETTER, 2021)
PEN America Literary Awards Longlists 2021
New York Public Library Best Books of 2021
Camille T. Dungy, “Eleven Poetry Recommendations for Latinx and Hispanic Heritage Month” (Orion Magazine, 2021)
Melanie Pérez Ortiz. La revolución de las apetencias: el tráfico de muertos en la literatura puertorriqueña contemporánea. San Juan: Ediciones Callejón, 2021.
José B. González, “Notable 2021 Latinx Books” (Latino Stories, 2021)
Sydney Heidenberg, “March’s Most Anticipated LGBTQ Books” (Lambda Literary, 2021)
Emily A. Maguire. “New Points of the Rhizome: Rethinking Caribbean Relation in U.S. Latino Poetry.” Caribbean Migrations: The Legacies of Colonialism. Ed. Anke Birkenmaier. Lewisburg: Bucknell UP, 2020.
Regina Galasso. “Always in Translation: Ways of Writing in Spanish and English.” The Oxford Handbook of Latino Studies. Ed. Ilan Stavans. New York: Oxford UP: 330-347.
Tatiana Mena Ramos, “Five Amazing Latinx Poets that Make You Rethink Bad Poetry Day” (Be Latina, 2020)
“The Translator Relay: Urayoán Noel” (Words without Borders, 2020)
Samuel Ginsburg, “Sonic Modernity and Decolonizing Countersounds in the Poetry of Urayoán Noel” (Latin American Research Review, 2019)
“Ambient Buzz: An Interview with Urayoán Noel” (Sampsonia Way, 2019)
Michael Dowdy. “Quarantine Citizen: Latinx Poetry and the Matter of Capital.” Dialectical Imaginaries: Materialist Approaches to U.S. Latino/a Literature in the Age of Neoliberalism. Ed. Marcial González and Carlos Gallego. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P: 75-104.
Alí Calderón. “Notas para una última poesía hispanoamericana” (2017)
Emily A. Maguire, “’The Shuffle of the City Finally Becomes Us’: The Corporality of Place in the Poetry of Urayoán Noel” (ASAP Journal, 2017)
Pablo Martín Ruiz, “El Oulipo y América Latina. Voces del siglo XXI” (Cuadernos de Filología Francesa, 2017)
Stephen Slessor and Anne Sophie Voyer, “Algorithmic Mimesis: Translation, Technology, Resistance” (TTR, 2016)
Alexandra van de Kamp, “The Bilingual Buzz Behind Poet Urayoán Noel” (The Rivard Report, 2016)
Rigoberto González, “23 Essential New Books by Latino Poets” (Los Angeles Times, 2016)
interview for Words on a Wire, KTEP, El Paso, TX (2015)
Rigoberto González, “10 New Books by Established Latino Authors” (NBC News, 2015)
Christopher Schafenacker, interview for “Spaces in Translation” (Drunken Boat, 2015)
Kristin Dykstra interview for “Intermedium” (Jacket 2, 2015)
Federico Irizarry Natal, Federico, “Entre salir de Collores y salir de Llorens: de la idealización rural de Luis Llorens Torres a la distopía urbana de Urayoán Noel (consagración, intertextualidad y parodia)”. FORUM: Revista de la Universidad de Puerto Rico en Arecibo XXII (2014-15): 113-25.
Tatiana Pérez Rivera, “Los poemas anti poemas de Urayoán Noel” (Lapicero verde, 2015)
review of Buzzing Hemisphere / Rumor Hemisférico (2015) in Library Journal, Centro Voices, & The Volta
Daniel Alarcón, “Lost in Translation: Urayoán Noel Gives Poet César Vallejo a Digital Makeover” (Radio Ambulante, 2014)
introduction by Stacy Szymaszek for reading at the Poetry Project (2014)
interview and poetry reading for Latino USA (2014)
Latasha N. Nevada Diggs, “Last of the Cuchifritos: A Walk with Urayoán Noel” (2013)
Roxanne Hoffman note for “30/30/30” (The Operating System, 2012)
Daniel Borzutzky, “Pablo de Rokha in English – the Interview with His Translator – Urayoán Noel” (Montevidayo, 2011)
Mike Puican, “The Identity of ‘Ahora’: Hi-Density Politics by Urayoán Noel” (Cerise Press, 2011)
“Urayoán Noel reads from Hi-Density Politics” (WBEZ, 2011)
reseña de Boringkén por Judith Sierra Rivera (El Roommate, 2011)
Francisco Aragón, interview for the Institute for Latino Studies’ oral history project (2006)
UNstatements: the two feature-size photos on the about and contact pages are by Luis Carle; the events photo (Atlantic Center for the Arts, 2018) is by Rusty Witek; the one on this page (La Casita at Lincoln Center, 2017) is by Bourbon Street Buzz